
Nicole Courson

Over a lifetime of living with them and enjoying their company Nicole had always made friends with canines, forming bonds readily from well before the first trip to an obedience class with a childhood dog. Dog-sitting and dog walking followed  along with voracious reading about our canine companions, from heart warming true stories to scientific discoveries along with the ideals of becoming a veterinarian that many pet-loving children consider. Volunteering followed, including over a year with shelter and rescue dogs that required some form of behaviour training to be suitable for adoption. There was even a season of learning to care for and run a team of sled dogs. Through one particularly reactive shelter dog that came into her care Nicole met Sarah Dixon, CDBC, who provided mentorship and additional opportunities in dog behaviour training. Nicole’s interest in the science of behaviour and it’s application in improving the well being of dogs and their families became her primary focus, and still is today as she continues to pursue further education from workshops and seminars to long and short form courses.

Nicole is a certified dog behaviour consultant with significant background experience in aggression and anxiety based problem behaviours, but also enjoys teaching puppy and adolescent manners, group classes, and specialty cases of all kinds. She lives in Nelson, BC, and trains dogs in the surrounding area.

Professional Certifications
CDBC – Certified Dog Behavior Consultant; International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants
KPA CTP – Karen Pryor Academy Certified Training Partner

Additional Education & Training
IAABC: Principles and Practice of Animal Behavior Consulting
IAABC: Defensive Handling for Aggressive Dogs – Michael Shikashio and Trish McMillan
Pack to Basics: Dogmanship and Socialization Workshop – Chad Mackin
Walks N Wags: Pet First Aid and Off The Grid First Aid certified

Beloved Side Jobs
Barks and Recreation in Trail, BC – Trainer and Daycare Manager
Kootenay Canines Offleash Adventures – Team Leader, hiking with dogs